Speed module DB700B (analogue)

Qty: In Stock
32,00 €
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The analog speed module can be used in cars where there are no CAN signals and the speed pulse is available in analog form.

The module converts the pulsating signal into a stable positive signal. The speed beyond which the block no longer emits a signal can be programmed in the cradle of the installation (e.g. the signal only when the car's speed is 15 km/h and below). If CAN signals are present, the CAN speed module should be selected.


To turn on/off the front parking sensors depending on the car's speed
Compatible with all cars where speed pulse is available
The speed can be programmed, the shutdown method can be changed (DIP switches)


Red: ACC +12V, Black: Mass, Blue: Car speed pulse
White: positive output to sensor activation input when the speed is below the programmed value

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